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"got triangle?"
90年代に大成功を収めた牛乳と乳製品の消費を奨励するアメリカの広告キャンペーン"got milk?(ミルクある?牛乳買ってある?)のパロディTシャツです。
自分の場合、当時リアルタイムで広告を見たのではなくて大学生のときの留学先のワシントン州のエレンズバーグという片田舎(シアトルから車で2,3時間くらい)の街のリサイクルショップ"GoodWill"で3ドルくらいで買ったTシャツがきっかけで知ったフレーズでした。その後、"got rice?"などのパロディTシャツも見つけたりして、本家もパロディも含めてこのシリーズよく着ていました。
S 着丈 65cm 身幅 49cm 肩幅 42cm 袖丈 19cm
M 着丈 69cm 身幅 52cm 肩幅 46cm 袖丈 20cm
L 着丈 73cm 身幅 55cm 肩幅 50cm 袖丈 22cm
XL 着丈 77cm 身幅 58cm 肩幅 54cm 袖丈 24cm
color: Black
body: Cotton 100%
"got triangle?"
This T-shirt is a parody of the "got milk? which is very successful American advertising campaign in the 90's to encourage the consumption of milk and dairy products.
In my case, I did not see the ad in real time, but bought a T-shirt for about $3 at GoodWill, a recycle store in Ellensburg, Washington, a town in the countryside (about 2 or 3 hours by car from Seattle) where I was studying abroad as a university student. After that, I found parody T-shirts of the phrase, such as "got rice?" I was looking for a new sticker for this series, but I decided to make it into a T-shirt.
The body is a 6.0 oz. heavy weight with an orthodox box silhouette. It is made of open-ended yarn, so it is crisp and dry feeling.
Size: S
S Length: 65cm, Body width: 49cm, Shoulder width: 42cm, Sleeve length: 19cm
M Length: 69cm, Body width 52cm, Shoulder width 46cm, Sleeve length 20cm
L Length: 73 cm, Body width 55 cm, Shoulder width 50 cm, Sleeve length 22 cm
XL Length: 77cm, Body width 58cm, Shoulder width 54cm, Sleeve length 24cm
color: Black
body: 100% Cotton